Dear clients, please allow us to familiarise you with our general operating conditions. This will allow us to improve our cooperation and the overall quality of our services. From these terms, you will know what your rights and responsibilities are after signing the Hunting Contract, which fixes your hunting reservation. In our offer, our agency serves as the travel organizer and as the mediator, and takes on its commitments accordingly according to law, regulations and customs in tourism. In addition to the special conditions that are specific to hunting tourism, we will also list a few of the most important provision of tourism law. With your signature on the Hunting Contract, you will be giving your consent to our general operation terms.
1. Reservations, hunt and hunt calculation
Hunt reservation – After selecting the desired hunt from our offer, you will fill out and send in the form. By signing the form, you have agreed to hire us to prepare your hunting package. Once you receive our concrete offer, complete with prices and travel itinerary, you will sign the Hunting Contract and pay the organisation fees and advance payment to finalise your reservation.
Hunt registration confirmation – We will only consider your reservation as final once we receive the signed Hunting Contract and receive payment of the organisation tax and advance payment (minimum of 30% of the total hunting package price).
During the hunt – The hunting guest is required to carry with him at all times personal documents, a valid hunting license and weapon permit, and to act in accordance with in the hunting laws of the country in which he is hunting. The hunter will be accompanied by a guest and will shoot only upon the selection of the guide, or in exceptional conditions when the guest is without a guide, will hunt only in accordance with the instructions given by the hunting leader. Should the guest make a kill that is not in accordance with the agreement, the guest will be required to pay damages. The hunter is responsible for his conduct on the hunting ground and for each bullet fired.
Hunt calculation – The hunt calculation will be made immediately upon the completion of your hunt, using the form Hunt Protocol, which will be the basis for the calculation. The Hunt Protocol is filled out by the hunting ground keeper in the presence of the hunter in either the Croatian, English or German language, and is confirmed by the signature. The Hunt Protocol lists the personal information of the hunting guest, and all services rendered, from accommodation, kills and trophy, to misses with explanations. Complaints shall only be considered if entered in writing into the Hunt Protocol and signed by the hunting grounds keeper and the hunting guest.
2. Responsibilities of the agency as travel organiser and mediator
Hunting Contract – by signing this contract, the hunting agency is responsible for putting together a package of services for the hunting guest from accommodation, transport, travel insurance, kills and other services, while the hunting guest is obliged to pay the set price to the hunting agency for such package.
Hunting agency as a mediator – by signing the Hunting Contract, the hunting guest authorises the hunting agency to conclude travel organisation contracts on his behalf and for his account, and contracts on the provision of one or more service to make the trip possible, and the hunting guest is obliged to pay the agreed fee.
Issuing the travel voucher – the hunting agency is obliged to issue the guest the travel voucher at the time of signing the Hunting Contract. The voucher contains the guest’s personal information, date of issuance and all services the guest plans to use.
Protection of the hunting guests’ rights and interests – the hunting agency is obliged to provide the services listed in the contract or voucher and to ensure the protection of the hunting guest’s rights and interest, in line with good business conduct in this area. The hunting agency will inform the guest of all formalities concerning travel, visas, flight itinerary, etc. and make the reservations as the guest requests.
3. Responsibilities of the hunting guest
Payment of the price – the hunting guest is obliged to pay the hunting agency, as the organiser or mediator, the set price for the travel, at the agreed time, or usual time of payment.
Obligation to provide information – the guest is required if requested by the hunting agency to submit all information necessary to organise the trip in a timely manner. If the necessary information is not submitted in time, the hunting guest will be responsible for covering certain costs.
Abiding by regulations – the hunting guest is obliged to take care that he personally, his personal documents and his luggage meet the provisions laid down in the border, customs, sanitary, monetary and other administrative regulations.
Responsibility of the guests for damages caused – the hunting guest shall be responsible for damages caused to the travel organised for the non-abidance of obligations ensuing from the Hunting Contract and the provisions of the Tourism Act.
Responsibility to abide by hunting laws and customs – the hunting guest is obliged to abide by the hunting laws and customs of the country in which he is hunting, and to cover all expenses ensuing from non-abidance of those laws.
4. Special rights and responsibilities of the hunting agency and hunting guest
Increasing the contracted price and amending the program – the organiser may request an increase of the contracted price if, after the signing of the contract, there should be a change in the exchange rate or in the travel rates. Furthermore, the hunting agency reserves the right to change the programme, and already contracted travels will only be amended in cases of force majeure.
Right of the travel to cancel the trip – the hunting guest may, at any time, cancel the trip in whole or in part. For cancelled trips, the hunting agency retains the paid organisation fees, while the advance payment is refunded in line with the cancellation periods below:
- more than 60 days prior to the date of travel 100%
- from 60 to 20 days before the start of travel 50%
- less than 20 days prior to the start of travel no refund
Right of the organiser to cancel the contract – the hunting agency may cancel the contract in whole or in part if, prior to or during the period of execution of the contract, extraordinary circumstances should arise that could not be predicted or prevented.

Gregor Žic oec, Owner ADRIA HUNT l.t.d.